The H5P tool is generally a very useful tool. I can see how it would be beneficial to use in job meetings, online classes, and even class discussions and see how it creates an interactive aspect inside a video. The tool itself can be adapted and changed for all different ages and all different class subjects, which is why it is great for educators. For example, when using it for younger kids, you can add basic questions about the video they are watching (what colour was the boy t-shirt?, etc.). As you teach older students or other educators, you can add more complex questions and answers. It is not only a unique tool that can enhance the attention on the video but also promote active learning. The age level I want to teach is on the higher end, and I think for the potential material I would be teaching, it would prove extremely beneficial.
If I were to use H5P as an assignment tool for a technology class and use it for editing, it would probably only work with older ages of students, which is what I would like to teach. Because not everyone is tech-savvy, it would take a longer time to explain and provide assistance to those who need it. To make it more inclusive and interactive, you could do similarily to what we did today, where you can start by using different computer games or websites to edit. Leaving it to free inquiry makes it more interesting and engaging, as they may feel more confident with it and want to partake, especially if they are not as comfortable with technology.