General AI platforms, although relatively fresh in the education scene, have managed to sweep there way through most if not all schools and post-secondary institutions. It tends to get a bad wrap as, unfortunately, in the schooling system it is often used as a way to cheat and avoid doing the work on your own and instead using this tool to create it for you. Although it appears as a device only to cheat and create whole items of work, it actually has many potential aids in the schooling system that can help in a way that does not result in cheating. General AI platforms are excellent at summarizing long and difficult peices of writing, and can create a summary in a specific way that different readers can understand and therefore understand these peices of work better. As Maria Radeva states in the article “The Benefits and Risks of ChatGPT for Education” Gen AI tools can also help students start an assignment by creating prep sheets, guidelines, and rubrics students can follow to build an essay or assignment off of (Radeva 2023) and help them organize there ideas in a way that makes completing said assignment simple. Ideally, I would like to teach middle school aged kids, so grade 6-8. In my case specifically, I think using gen AI tools could greatly increase the grade level in my classroom when used appropriately. Not only are middle schoolers already going to know and most likely understand how to use tools such as ChatGPT, but restricting that from them may lead to more inappropriate usage as they may feel the need to sneak it into different assignments. By allowing the access of general AI tools and proper techniques to use it affectively, it can create an excellent and inclusiev education environment.
“In summary, AI tools like ChatGPT could lessen teachers’ workload and foster interactive and adaptive learning environments.”
Maria Radeva 2023

My personal experience with general AI tools, more specifically in the education system, has been exteremly positve. I find these tools very helpful and they create a broader understanding of a variety of subjects and assignemnts, from a long scholarly journal entry to a calculus question.
I find it incedibly useful and it has genuinely helped my grade throighout highschool and now post secondary. Most commenly, I use it to summarize long readings as I struggle understanding lots of text on a page and find myself just getting overwhelmed.

I even use it to jump start professional emails and resumes as often times, I use the incorrect format. All in all, gneral AI has its perks and its disadvantages. it is up to the user to determine which outways the other. I feel as long as you undertsand the precautions of AI use (how much of the “facts” AI uses tend to actually be false more oftne than not for example) and are weiry that it may happen to you, AI is an excellent tool for your educational needs as well as professional needs. General AI is definitely not going anywhere so it is better to work with it than against.