Here we are. The end of it all. We made it. What an eye-opening experience. It wasn’t exactly what I expected or wanted it to be but working on yourself is not linear. This project was an excellent way to acknowledge that.

Throughout this time, I not only have found myself getting confortable in a gym area and my eating habits, but it has also given me time to work on my mental health habits. I actually have this printed and taped to my mirror and find myself reading it everyday. It is just a good grounding techniquek, especially as the work load is ramping up.
As I have gotten so incredibly busy in the course work and with the semester ending, I have had a hard time finding the time to go to the gym, but still remain eating as healthy as possible. At first I was dissapointed for not commiting especially now, but I know that my path will deviat and continue to do so.
Here is my personal favourite motivational video. I actually used it to get started on my school work as well as the gym. Overall, it is excellent tool to keep handy.