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free inquiry #5 !!

This week was a lot more successful compared to last week. The cold has officially swept through my family (and most of the cohort) and I have felt better than ever! Meal prep this week was fortunately very easy as we had plenty of leftover turkey, peas and carrots, and mashed potatoes. It wasn’t exactly a “meal-prep”, more just leftovers but still will do the trick this week. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of the meal prep but as it was basically a turkey dinner, you can get an understanding.

The gym this week was excellent! I feel like I am finally finding my way around the gym and memorizing the different workouts of the week. I can already see myself changing and adapting the workout to not only fit my needs and wants but also my strengths.

Photo from the Anytime Fitness Sidney Website

Above is a photo of the gym I have been going to. It feels good to be not only be a part of a space like this but to also to be active and able to perform and better myself in this space. This weeks plan is too continue with gym, as well as take more photos for the blog as I often forget to do that! I also want to start incorporating mental wellness and some mental excersizes into my blog because I already find myself doing that on my own and want to maybe start blogging with that new addition!

weekly reflection #5!!

The following photo/video are all included and made follwoing the guidelines in this weeks class!

An Unplash image of two skeletons outside of a Halloween house.
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Heres an example of an easily accessible photo! I decided to keep it on a more spooky-theme for Halloween of course!

Filmed and created by me and my family!

The video above has edited closed captioning (CC) and again follows the guidelines of the class work. For some context, every Christmas Eve since I was 5, my family and close family-friends have a pot luck style dinner at my house amd then go to Butchart Garden for the night. The past 2 years, I film and create these interview moments for Christmas and this happens to be the first one so the editing was all done on iMovie and is probably not the best but ultimately its just something silly I make for my family to watch.

Some digital accessibility practices that are often missed include things like colour contrast aspects, which affects those with a vision disability and may cause issues. As well as documents and PDF’s lacking proper structure such as headings, tags, and readable text, making them inaccessible to screen readers. I often forget the constrast of websites as it is not something I immediately think of.

The digital accessiblity practices that shocked me the most were probably the imbedded links inside of documents and writing. I often imbed links into my works using a smaller title or “click here” just to make it fit nicely and neatly inside my document. I never realized how that doesn’t aid or give any context to users of screen readers.

free inquiry!

This week, progress was a tad harder to commit to as not did I have a chronic migraine and vertigo early on but then caught the nasty cold going around so I did only what I could this week, all while staying on task with my future goals.

This week, as I didn’t exactly have time to grocery shop, I had to scavenge for a simple yet nutritious meal-prep for the week. I often struggle with finding new and different foods, specifically fruits and veggies. I did a quick research on Google and found a website that was a Healthy Grocery List website that really just helped me guage what I can shop for when I am with better health. I made a skillet-type meal using yams, lean beef, bell peppers, and a can of mixed beans. I, again, tried to stay focused on higher protein.

To keep myself safe, as well as others, I had to take this week off the gym. To try and keep as on schedule as possible, I talked to my friends as well as some Instagram Reels to get an idea of what a new gym schedule could look like when I am up and better. My goals are to have an additional leg workout day to increase my strength there as well as lose weight.

  • Monday – Back and biceps w/ core
  • Tuesday – Quads and calves
  • Wednesday – Rest
  • Thursday – Shoulders, Chest, and Triceps
  • Friday – Glutes and hamstrings
  • Saturday – Quads w/ cardio
  • Sunday – Rest

weekly reflection #3 !!

As technology continues to change, so should the schooling system. Following this past weeks lesson, not only did I learn what aspects of 3D printing would work well in a classroom, I also got to work with it hands on.

Cross-curricular learning with 3D design and printing can make subjects more engaging and hands-on. In math, students can design and print shapes to learn about volume and surface area, while in science, they can create prototypes of tools or machines. Art projects might involve making 3D sculptures, and in history, students could print models of historical artifacts.

In language arts, they can design characters or scenes from stories, and in environmental studies, they can invent eco-friendly solutions. Technology lessons can focus on coding and 3D design, and even PE can include custom sports equipment. These activities help students learn by doing, work together, and solve real-world problems.

Above, is my snowman that I created using the site Tinkercad. Clearly, some struggles were had but I also believe it was due to a time crunch I was unaware of. Although this was relatively simple to follow, its visible how this is can be easily misconstrued.

As this is a relatively new thing to bring into a school space, it has some obvious pros..and some obvious cons.

  • PROS:
    • Hands on activity
    • Easy to costumize to something you want
    • Take-home project
    • New and therefore very interesting/intriguing
  • CONS:
    • Difficult to learn depending on age group
    • Need to have a backgriund in technology to teach properly and efficeintly
    • Not a cheap resource/ not all schools will have acess to a 3D printer

free inquiry blog #2!!

My free inquiry project has official began with my progression of healthy meal lanning and working out starting this past weekend! I started by comminting to a gym membership at Anytime Fitness and have began looking at high protien, low calorue meals that not only are easy, but also are good to use as a meal-prep system for school.

Today, as a quick Sunday meal, I made a simple rice stir fry with eggs and hot sauce, as well as an ice coffee made with sugar-free vanilla syrup to still hit that caffiene craving. I don’t have a food scale yet, but if I had to estimate this meal, it is approximately 350 calories and 24 grams of protien. Not only was it incredibly tasty, but it also used leftovers of rice which is always great to use up before it goes bad. I can easily see how this would be an easily recreatable meal that could easily become a staple in my new eating lifestyle.

I use Pinterest more as a search engine than a soical media app as it often has so many ideas especially for cooking and baking. While scrolling, I found a website titled “25 High-Protein Meal Prep (Easy + Healthy)” and just doing a simple scroll, I am getting many ideas for potential meal prep ideas! My goals for the following week are to go grocery shopping and find more “macro friendly” ingredients to make those swaps in my diet. As well, I’d like to test run a few workouts to hopefully begin the building of a gym schedule that works around school and work!


weekly reflection #3!!

General AI platforms, although relatively fresh in the education scene, have managed to sweep there way through most if not all schools and post-secondary institutions. It tends to get a bad wrap as, unfortunately, in the schooling system it is often used as a way to cheat and avoid doing the work on your own and instead using this tool to create it for you. Although it appears as a device only to cheat and create whole items of work, it actually has many potential aids in the schooling system that can help in a way that does not result in cheating. General AI platforms are excellent at summarizing long and difficult peices of writing, and can create a summary in a specific way that different readers can understand and therefore understand these peices of work better. As Maria Radeva states in the article “The Benefits and Risks of ChatGPT for Education” Gen AI tools can also help students start an assignment by creating prep sheets, guidelines, and rubrics students can follow to build an essay or assignment off of (Radeva 2023) and help them organize there ideas in a way that makes completing said assignment simple. Ideally, I would like to teach middle school aged kids, so grade 6-8. In my case specifically, I think using gen AI tools could greatly increase the grade level in my classroom when used appropriately. Not only are middle schoolers already going to know and most likely understand how to use tools such as ChatGPT, but restricting that from them may lead to more inappropriate usage as they may feel the need to sneak it into different assignments. By allowing the access of general AI tools and proper techniques to use it affectively, it can create an excellent and inclusiev education environment.

“In summary, AI tools like ChatGPT could lessen teachers’ workload and foster interactive and adaptive learning environments.”

Maria Radeva 2023

My personal experience with general AI tools, more specifically in the education system, has been exteremly positve. I find these tools very helpful and they create a broader understanding of a variety of subjects and assignemnts, from a long scholarly journal entry to a calculus question.

I find it incedibly useful and it has genuinely helped my grade throighout highschool and now post secondary. Most commenly, I use it to summarize long readings as I struggle understanding lots of text on a page and find myself just getting overwhelmed.

I even use it to jump start professional emails and resumes as often times, I use the incorrect format. All in all, gneral AI has its perks and its disadvantages. it is up to the user to determine which outways the other. I feel as long as you undertsand the precautions of AI use (how much of the “facts” AI uses tend to actually be false more oftne than not for example) and are weiry that it may happen to you, AI is an excellent tool for your educational needs as well as professional needs. General AI is definitely not going anywhere so it is better to work with it than against.


free inquiry #1!!

A free inquiry idea I’ve been thinking about is starting a fitness and wellness journey. Ive always been interested in tracking and analysis of workouts and healthy eating and meals and think that using this blog to track it and keep up with it would be beneficial. I don’t have much else to discuss until the meeting with Rich, but below is a list of ideas and things to get done to progress toward my goals.

  • Get a gym membership
  • Find recipes and foods that align with my fitness goals
  • Begin reasearching and writing up a work out schedule
  • Become consistent in the gym and eating clean

weekly reflection 2!!

The H5P tool is generally a very useful tool. I can see how it would be beneficial to use in job meetings, online classes, and even class discussions and see how it creates an interactive aspect inside a video. The tool itself can be adapted and changed for all different ages and all different class subjects, which is why it is great for educators. For example, when using it for younger kids, you can add basic questions about the video they are watching (what colour was the boy t-shirt?, etc.). As you teach older students or other educators, you can add more complex questions and answers. It is not only a unique tool that can enhance the attention on the video but also promote active learning. The age level I want to teach is on the higher end, and I think for the potential material I would be teaching, it would prove extremely beneficial.

If I were to use H5P as an assignment tool for a technology class and use it for editing, it would probably only work with older ages of students, which is what I would like to teach. Because not everyone is tech-savvy, it would take a longer time to explain and provide assistance to those who need it. To make it more inclusive and interactive, you could do similarily to what we did today, where you can start by using different computer games or websites to edit. Leaving it to free inquiry makes it more interesting and engaging, as they may feel more confident with it and want to partake, especially if they are not as comfortable with technology.

Photo by Krzysztof Niewolny on Unsplash

week one reflection!!

When faced with the question “do we need to reimagine education?” in the simpliest terms, the answer is yes. There is always room for improvement, especially in a growing and constantly changing world that should ultimately effect how we educate a new generation. Due to standardization and (honestly) fear, the education system has remained the same for over a century. In order for our world to not only advance to its full potential but each individual learner as well, a call for a newly reimagined education system across the globe is well overdue, and I feel it is approaching.

Changing pedagogy is a necessary step to reimagine the education and schooling system as a whole, but that process is not a simple step by any means. The brave educators who put themselves out there and attempt to change a century-old process and way of life face many obstacles inside and outside the school space. Just to start the process, the approval of not only the higher-ups but other teachers who see the benefits is something needed, and often many teachers and leaders may not initially see the benefits. Instead, they may only see the potential for failure and collapse of a once very stable pedagogy. If the initial change is successful and manages to be placed into a school system, there is now the obstacle of aiding the students and even parents into this new way. Not only will it initially be confusing for the students, but the majority of the parents may be worried for there child’s education and not believe in the new pedagogy at the start.

With more and more reasons to change our current education system adding up each year, my excitement and worries about the education future rise with it. There truly are so many positives: more skills that apply to our futures, a more positive mindset in school, higher growth rates in students and creating more positive and mindset-driven students. Alongside those positives, there are the fears of having to change the university requirements or even the classes, which can cause a chain of problems, the time that it would realistically take to effect the schools and countries that need this most, and maybe even a loss of students due to a fear or anxiety around the new pedagogy.

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

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